
2023年7月26日—punkitt-is-here:“playinganSMBX2episodecalledBetterifiedandoneoftheloadingscreentipsisjustarandomHollowtonesreferencei ...,2021年10月10日—SoifItypeacheatcode,itissaveduntilItypeitagain.(ThisisaproblemfortheBattleModeCommunitywhichisprobablyonlyme.) ...,2012年3月30日—Ifyouhavethisfeeling,typeinthefollowingcheatcodesinthelevelorontheworldmap.LevelCheatsneedamushroom-Itemreservebox ....

also this game has the worlds funniest cheat codes

2023年7月26日 — punkitt-is-here: “playing an SMBX2 episode called Betterified and one of the loading screen tips is just a random Hollowtones reference i ...

Cheat Code Bug?

2021年10月10日 — So if I type a cheat code, it is saved until I type it again. (This is a problem for the Battle Mode Community which is probably only me.) ...

List of SMBX Cheat Codes

2012年3月30日 — If you have this feeling, type in the following cheat codes in the level or on the world map. Level Cheats needamushroom - Item reserve box ...

SMBX Cheat Code Index - General

2014年9月3日 — Here is a list of all the cheats of SMBX. While in the game, type one of these codes to apply it. The SMBX window must be activated, ...

SMBX Cheat Codes list

2014年11月15日 — These cheat codes spawn an item into the player's hands for use in the level. firemissiles - Player holds a Billy Gun. boingyboing - Player ...

SMBX Cheats and Hints

needashoe: Spawns a Kuribo Shoe in your item box. needaredshoe: Spawns a Podoboo Shoe in your item box. needablueshoe: Spawns a Lakity Shoe in your item box.

Super Mario Bros X+11

2018年8月20日 — ... Smbx 2 Beta 3.7 version. Cheats: Debug Cheats -Shadowstar Cheat - Lets you walk through walls and ceilings -Donthurtme Cheat - Makes the ...

Super Mario Bros. XCheats - Codex Gamicus

This is a list of cheat codes to type in while playing a level. You cannot save your game after using cheat codes. needashell - Reserve box holds a green ...